1991-1992, Michael Carrick

Theme: Look Beyond Yourself

1991-92 was the year our club made a commitment to “Preserve Planet Earth.” In accordance with this theme, over $7,000 was donated toward completion of walking paths and a salmon viewing platform along Mill Creek where it flows through the property of North High School. Record-breaking Rotary giving also marked the year. Members filled a Salvation Army kettle with $8,022 at a single December meeting, and over 110,000 pounds of food was collected by the combined Salem-area Rotary clubs for Marion-Polk Food Share.

President Mike Carrick travelled extensively throughout the world and brought back messages of good-will from all the clubs he visited. He assisted with efforts in Simferopal (Crimea region of former USSR) to start a Rotary club there. Two exchange students were sponsored informally who arrived as citizens of the USSR and departed as citizens of Ukraine.