There is an incredible amount of service to our local and global community, it’s easy to forget about some of the good that we’re doing. This week, I’d like to highlight the great work our International Service Committee has been up to. The below is courtesy of Howard Baumann.
Things have gone very well, thanks to our club’s generous fundraising, and to the hard work of our International Service Committee. The biggest event was getting our Haiti Grant Project ($40,777) approved by Rotary International in November. The project is now one-half completed, with two of the three wells drilled, and the public latrines soon to be completed. Thanks to Bo Nyleen, Cynthia Witham, and Howard Baumann for taking the lead on this project. Cynthia’s son and his family are just back from a trip to Haiti, where they visited our project sites first hand. Their daughter, Hope, who was adopted from this area of Haiti, is the reason we got drawn to this project in the first place. In addition, our lead contact in Haiti, Lavaud Cheristin, will be our featured speaker for our meeting on July 15…
This week, we’ll hear from Marjorie Dudley – a professional speaker, trainer and coach – who provides sales and management training to achieve greater results through a systematic approach…