April 22: Supply Chain Management during a Pandemic
Michael Roth, President and CEO of Roth’s Fresh Markets, will provide an insider’s perspective on Product Shortages (when can I get more TP?), Crisis Management Strategies (being doubly effective without
face-to-face meetings) and Employee and Customer Retention during a Pandemic (over communicate and tune into both of their concerns.) Guaranteed to have both significant take-away value and interesting perspectives on surviving these unprecedented times.
Program Chair: Warren Bednarz
Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
I trust this greeting finds you safe and well. It was such a pleasure to see your faces during last week’s Virtual Club meeting where 73 members joined and interacted! Special thanks to my IT side kick, Brenna Baucum, who helps keep track of the interactive part of the meeting and offering her expertise in getting members connected in advance of the meeting. Also, special thanks to all of you who participated in the Bell Ringers. We had nine submitted in advance of the meeting and one from the floor. While our preference is to be together in person, there is some comfort in gathering virtually to reconnect and enjoy our Rotary friends and traditions. Our Membership Committee will be contacting members we have not seen in the Virtual Meetings to check in.
A requirement of Rotary is for a monthly attendance record to be submitted by every Club. For many of our members, perfect attendance is a high priority. Therefore, we have attempted to capture your attendance these past two meetings and will continue to track attendance until we can once again meet face to face. If you happened to join by phone and you wish to have your attendance recorded, we will need you to identify yourself to our Club Secretary, Holly Berry. She will be more than happy to add you to the attendance roster.
The virtual meetings will be recorded and made available for members to watch later if unable to join us during our regularly scheduled meeting. Upon watching, members will simply note their attendance in DacDb.
We received three videos this past week. One featuring the story of Shelterbox and two others to remind us of the importance of our commitment to eradicate Polio. The video links are provided here for you to enjoy. We will also post them to the website as they are too long for us to share during our club meetings.
Our Board is committed to remaining actively engaged with their respective Committee Chairs to check in and encourage planning for when we can meet again. For those of you who have joined the virtual Happy Hour on Friday night, I hope you are enjoying it. If you wish to join, please let me know.
Have a fabulous week. Stay positive and don’t hesitate to let your fellow Rotary members know if you have needs, we can attend to. We are a community and we care about each other.
Your Invitation to join Wednesday’s Virtual Meeting:
Tammy Dennee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rotary Club of Salem Virtual Meeting
Time: Apr 22, 2020 11:45 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 9039 2540
Password: 029553
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Meeting ID: 881 9039 2540
Password: 029553
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Big (virtual) hugs my friends,