West Coast Young Professional Summit

Club member Brenna Baucum spent the weekend traveling for Rotary and is back with a brief summary of her experience: “Berkeley is warm in August. Muggy, in fact. It was on the university campus that I joined 52 other young professionals to experience the inaugural West Coast Young Professional Summit. This idea was started and funded […]

New Member Feature: David White

We’re happy to welcome our newest member David White. Learn a little more about David by reading this introduction, read at last week’s meeting by his sponsor, Dawn Bostwick: “It is very much my pleasure to invite David White to become a member of our club. David was born and raised in Lawrence Kansas and […]

New Member Feature: Jenn Columbus

We’re thrilled to welcome Jenn Columbus into our club. The following is the introduction as read by her sponsor, Chane Griggs: Jenn Columbus is a proud lifelong Salem resident. She grew up in West Salem, attending Myers, Walker, and then South Salem High School, graduating in 2002. She moved to Eugene to attend the University […]

GoodWorks Project Application Form

Do you know of a deserving organization that is in need of a partner? Each year, our club accepts applications from organizations around the community that are looking for help to fund a major project. This year’s sponsorship amount is $30,000. The parameters, details and information on how to apply can be found on the […]

Statesman Journal Article: Partnership with Haiti

We were happy to an article in The Statesman Journal this morning covering yesterday’s meeting. It shares the touching story of the way our club – as well as others in/around the Salem area – got involved with the well projects in Haiti. Several of our members were quoted in the article, including Cynthia Witham. “It started […]

21st Annual Rotary Golf Benefit

Last week, we posted some details about the upcoming 21st Annual Rotary Golf Benefit and we have more information for you! 4 person Golf Scramble Registration at Noon | Shotgun Start at 1:00 p.m $125/person in advance includes 18 holes of golf with cart, raffle ticket and a buffet dinner following the event. ($150/person day of.) […]

Building on Our Commitment to Literacy

Did you see today’s Facebook post about the great work our literacy committee is doing? Several members and volunteers met at the Salem Public Library to to label donated books for distribution at the Marion-Polk Food Share. We are proud to support such an incredible organization!

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