2013-2014, Thomas P. Golden


Theme: Engage Rotary, Change Lives The Rotary theme for 2013- 2014 was “Engage Rotary – Change Lives” and the Rotary Club of Salem did just that in big ways. We had members involved in the District level as the two Assistant District Governor’s for our area (Jim Booth and Renee Campbell), Youth Exchange positions, and […]

2012-2013, John Shirley


Theme: Peace Through Service This year’s theme was Peace Through Service. Peace starts from within, grows, and radiates outward to the community and ultimately the world. Our weekly meetings provide a haven of peace in an often rancorous world, and our myriad of service projects improve lives in Salem and the world beyond. Multiply that […]

2011-2012, Renee Campbell


Theme: Reach Within to Embrace Humanity “Reach within to Embrace Humanity” was the Rotary International theme for the year and ours was “Tell Your Story; Tell Our Story.” It was the year of “Why?” We explored the idea that people identify with why we do what we do. We tried to put that into practice […]

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