April 15 – Taking on the Virus (ZOOM Meeting – please see details below)
Your program committee has set a goal to provide us with information critical to understanding the various challenges we now face in both our personal and public lives. Last week’s program focused on the issues and solutions to assure our community members in need were receiving adequate nutrition. Tomorrow’s program will focus on the disease itself, the impact to our public and medical infrastructure, and ways our medical professionals are taking on these trying challenges.
Our speaker, Dr. Bud Pierce, is a well-known physician locally and beyond for his dedicated efforts to his profession and our community. He has graciously accepted our offer to take time from his very busy schedule sharing his perspective of this virus and its impact.
Program Chair: Rus McCracken
Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
I am hopeful you have been enjoying this beautiful sunshine and connecting with friends and family by phone and your computer.
Two weeks ago we published a list of non-profits represented in our membership. Unfortunately, we overlooked two foundations. Their contact information is here:
Salem Police Foundation
P.O. Box 2631
Salem, OR 97308
Cyndi Leinassar, Board President
Claudia Vorse, Associate Director
Salem Fire Foundation
P.O. Box 2920
Salem, OR 97308
SFD Chief Michael Niblock, Ex Officio Board Member
Claudia Vorse, Associate Director
If you joined the virtual meeting last week, you heard Rick Gaupo, Marion Polk Food Share, describe the current circumstances within his prevue. He Club members to make contact with the non-profits in our Club to inquire how we can best offer our assistance during this time of “Stay Home, Stay Alive.” If you have need of that comprehensive list, feel free to contact me.
The Club will convene via Zoom again this week. We will allow for log in beginning at 11:45 am and I will ring the bell at 12:10 pm. We will adjourn no later than 1:15 pm as per our normal schedule. If the program concludes early, we will adjourn. Please plan to join the meeting.
Tammy Dennee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tammy Dennee’s Zoom Meeting – Weekly Rotary Club Meeting
Time: Apr 15, 2020 11:45 AM PST (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Password: 020934
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Meeting ID: 854 7412 0314
Password: 020934
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Big (virtual) hugs my friends,