Read more about Renee’s journey in Rotary.

Y’all have been hearing and seeing a lot about the District 5100 Conference that Salem is privileged to host in just over a month. And what a fantastic way to fellowship with Rotarians from around our district (about 500 or so of our closest friends), hear from extraordinary speakers (like Oregon’s own Stacy Allison, who was the first female to summit Mt. Everest), and experience much of what is going on in Rotary International. What an awesome event this will be . . . right in our backyard at the Salem Convention Center!
So, where can you fit in and help?
- Register for the conference. Please head to DACdbfor more info and to register.
- Volunteer during the conference. These Team Leaders can really use your help on some key areas:
- Youth Exchange Speech Contest Judges: David Deckelmann;
- Guides & Greeters: John McCulley;
- Speaker Buddies: Tom Golden;
- Registration: Kelly White and Mike Niblock; and,
- Giveaway Items (tchotchkes) for convention attendee tote bags: Darlene Blackstone, Rotary Club of Silverton.
Just send an email to any (or all) of these folks with your interest in helping out.
Also, sponsorships are still needed, available, and very welcome! Sponsorships keep costs low to the district, help conduct a great meeting with awesome speakers, and gives your business exposure to a great group of business people – who are also fellow Rotarians! Contact Chris Achtermanfor more details and to join in. Please and thank you!
You will not want to miss a moment of the extraordinary experience lined-up by Co-Chairs Tammy Dennee, Mary Way, and District Governor Renee Campbell! And if you can help as a volunteer for a shift or two, you maintain our Rotary Club of Salem’s tradition as “A Club that Gets Things Done!”
Thanks and I’ll see you at Rotary!