April 29: Victims in a Covid Era
Our own Jayne Downing, Executive Director of the Center for Hope & Safety, will be speaking to the club about the impact of COVID-19 and victims of domestic and sexual violence. The Center for Hope has continued to operate 24/7 throughout the pandemic, offering hotline, emergency confidential shelter, safety planning, crisis intervention and many other supportive services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking in our community.
The “shelter in place” directives have created unique challenges for victims and the advocates working to serve them. Jayne will give you insights into what victims face when they are isolated with abusive partners and what family, friends, and community members can do to help in this challenging time.
Program Chair: Kimberly Lemman
Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
Thank you to every Club member who made time to join the Virtual Meeting this past Wednesday. We will convene again via Zoom this Wednesday. If you participated, you know we had 81 participants. I find that very encouraging because we average 80-90 attendees at our in-person meetings. If you happened to notice a friend not present, please reach out to them and make sure they know how easy it is to join via their computer or phone.
Last week’s meeting was recorded and the link to the recording was shared via email to every member. If you watched it, be sure to record it as a makeup via DacDb.
I continue to be hopeful that we will once again see each other soon. Please continue to stay positive and feel free to reach out to me or other fellow Club Members if we can be of assistance or provide you some much needed friendship.
This Week’s Meeting Invitation
Tammy Dennee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rotary Club of Salem Weekly Meeting
Time: Apr 29, 2020 11:45 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 6069 6378
Password: 027716
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Meeting ID: 814 6069 6378
Password: 027716
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcIty5lkqZ
Big (virtual) hugs my friends,