April 7: What’s up with High Impact Technologies?

Russ Monk is a part owner of High Impact Technologies, and four other companies. Just the name alone should be intriguing.
High Impact Technologies creates solutions to protect people in our military, public safety sector, and now our hospitals. One of many examples is the Battle Jacket which HIT developed over two decades ago. That piece of equipment is a self-sealing, self-healing fire protective urethane polymer coating used to protect vehicles, fuel cells, railcars and many other assets. The coating acts as an instant sealant when the coated surface is pierced by a bullet or projectile. This is one presentation you do NOT want to miss!
Program Chair: Chane Griggs
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather!
About 1 year ago, Eunice Kim, Long Range Planning Manager with the City of Salem, shared the city’s Our Salem Vision project; which our City Council recently accepted.
This means the city will now start diving into the details of policies, the zoning code, and the zoning map.
We’ll be receiving more information soon on how Rotarians can continue to engage in the process. In the meantime, the city is starting weekly policy meetings (virtual), that you are all welcome to attend.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97502870288
Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
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Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
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Yours in service. Sue