February 10: Updates on Santiam Wildfire Recovery
We will be hearing from two people actively involved in helping the recovery of the Santiam Canyon area after the 2020 wildfires.
Melissa Baurer is the coordinator of the Santiam Service Integration Team. The purpose of Santiam SIT is to facilitate
collaboration among community partners to provide coordinated resources and information for individuals and families. Her team has been very actively assisting the families affected by the wildfires. Melissa will be giving an update on how many households Santiam SIT has served, how many they are currently helping who are displaced and how many are on their schedule for registering. She will dive into the challenges they are seeing families facing as well as some of the successes they have seen. She will also be touching on some of the unmet needs and how people can get involved in the recovery efforts.

Rich Duncan, CEO of Richard Duncan Construction Inc,. will present about the re-building efforts of the Santiam Canyon. He will describe the
SEDCOR Construction Alliance program and talk about the decision to do something “Great for the Canyon” working with the Detroit Lake Foundation. He also will recap how the community comes together to do great things, such as the 2010 Extreme Makeover Project. He will share about the current needs and schedule for rebuilding the Canyon.

Program Chair: Linda Bednarz
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
Sadly, long time Rotarian Bud Kiefer passed away last week. We will have a moment of silence for him.
We’re all looking forward to our program, highlighted above.
Two of our business meeting highlights:
- Meet and hear from Julio Ramirez, our NSHS student of the month for winter sports!
- We are inducting two new members:
– Tim Sinatra, CEO YMCA
– Kaitlyn Beals, Executive Assistant, YMCA
Here’s the latest update from Salem Health regarding doses and their efforts to help our elderly.
- Salem Health has received NO first dose allocation for this week. Salem Health’s clinic will remain open but for second doses only. No first doses will be administered this week.
- Polk County has received a very limited amount of vaccines for first doses this week.
On a positive note, I wanted to share a list of things that were completed this week to help our elderly:
- MyChart tutorial videos have been created assisting those as they create their MyChart
- Retooling of the call centers to streamline the call center experience for our elderly.
- Social media campaign launched encouraging adult children to help their parents/grandparents to get vaccinated.
As of 2/8/2021:
- First does given – 37,463
- Second dose given – 21,159
- Total – 58,622
Below is an invitation to attend a program from East Salem Rotary Club:
East Salem Rotary Club is hosting a presentation on housing discrimination on Friday, February 26 from 12 noon to 1:15pm via Zoom. We have been told it is quite an impactful presentation and not always easy to schedule. The speaker is Shyle Ruder, the Education and Outreach Director at the Fair Housing Council of Oregon. If you are interested in attending, please email fellow Rotary member, Michelle Mhoon at Michelle@mannixlawfirm.com. She will forward a Zoom link a few days prior to the meeting.
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Yours in service. Sue