June 17: COVID Update from Salem Health
Bryce Petersen, Director of Community Outreach at Salem Hospital, will provide an overview of what has taken place at the hospital for the past 45 days and how it is prepping going forward. The presentation will also highlight several of the hospital’s community outreach activities.

Program Chair – Sue Bloom
Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
With just two weeks remaining in this Program Year, I am struck by how fast these past fifty weeks have flown by. At the same time, while working remotely, time has taken on a whole new meaning with one day looking very similar to the next as we navigate a pandemic. Greeting you every week in our virtual meeting room is truly a highlight each week. Thank you for participating in the virtual meetings and thank you for staying connected. The power of connection is providing levity and engagement during this time of isolation for so many of our members. Special thanks to those in our membership whose line of work takes them to the frontlines daily.
The Leadership Team will be reaching out to members whom we have not yet heard from regarding your dues. Every member is important, and we look forward to finalizing our membership roster as we move into the new program year beginning July 1. If you have not connected with Chuck Swank, he does need to hear from you immediately. Unfortunately, all members who have NOT made contact will be dropped effective July 1. Please contact Chuck ASAP as needed.
Tomorrow, we will welcome District Governor – Diane Cordero de Noriega to our meeting. DG Noriega will present a special award to one of our members. Please plan to participate.
Have a great week. Continue to remain safe and be instruments of peace in your home, neighborhood and community. As community leaders we have a responsibility to be the light!
Take care my friends,
Tammy Dennee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rotary Club of Salem Weekly Meeting
Time: Jun 17, 2020 11:45 AM Pacific Time (US/Canada)
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Your President,