June 3: Travelling Independently in Cuba
Past President Ron Kelemen, a retired financial advisor and former owner of the H Group, Inc. in Salem, not to mention a 36-year member of our Club

To put that in perspective, they’ve visited 37 countries and served two years in the Peace Corps in Malaysia.
Program Chair: Larry Gray
Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
Another week has passed, and we continue to await the determination of Marion County’s Phase II status scheduled for the week of June 8th. Time will tell. Once we have that information and the Phase II Guidance for groups of up to 100 from the Governor’s Office, we can potentially chart a course towards a face to face meeting with social distancing in mind. Fingers crossed, we may be able to install our new President, Sue Bloom, and her Board in person. If not, we will proceed with a virtual installation and make it as AMAZING as possible.
Over these past several weeks, we as citizens have been impacted by decisions from leaders in our local community, our state and at the federal level. Leadership comes at a cost and I have recently come across a book on Leadership entitled, “You Are the Team”, 6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go From Good to Great by Michael G. Rogers.
- Be Selfless – Give Service, Put the Team First
- Be Trustworthy – Tell the truth, Do what you Say You Will Do
- Be Humble – Take Accountability, Learn from your Mistakes
- Be Positive – Refrain from Negativity, Compliment & Encourage Others
- Be Respectful – Extend Kindness, Seek to Understand
As I come to the end of my year as your President, I am so appreciative of our members who demonstrate these qualities in our Community, our workplaces and as Rotarians. What an honor it is to serve along with you.
I look forward to seeing your bright smiles on Wednesday. Here is the meeting information:
Tammy Dennee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rotary Club of Salem Meeting Invitation
Time: Jun 3, 2020 11:45 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting click here.
Meeting ID: 850 6989 9667
Password: 711580
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Meeting ID: 850 6989 9667
Password: 711580
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Big (virtual) hugs my friends,