July 1: Learning Activity
Participate in a fun learning activity with the entire group.
Program Chair – Mary James
Message from President Sue
Greetings Rotary Friends,
I want to thank you all again for the opportunity to serve as our Club’s president this year. I am honored and humbled. I wanted to reiterate themes I gleaned from RI that resonate with me deeply and aligns with my personal vision of our coming year and the values I hold close as a human being.
What I know is that we are people of action-we are a club that gets things done. Rotary is where neighbors, friends and problem solvers share ideas, join leaders and take action to create lasting change.
Together as Rotarians, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change-across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.
As Rotarians we are committed to taking action locally and globally. Each day, our members pour their passion, integrity and intelligence into completing projects that have lasting impact. We persevere until we deliver real, lasting change.
Sue Bloome is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rotary July 1 Meeting
Time: Jul 1, 2020 11:45 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Meeting ID: 829 8825 7967
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Meeting ID: 829 8825 7967
Your President,