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March 17: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) – Rotary Style
Rotary is a global network, welcoming and uniting people of goodwill and desire to make a difference in our communities. We have always been non-religious and non-political, but are we doing all we can to be sure our clubs reflect and serve the diverse communities we live in?
Sydney Schilling comes to share Rotary’s initiatives to help us explore our club policies and procedures to improve how we reach out to potential members, as well as create equitable opportunities for existing members.
Program Chair: Renee Campbell
Message from President Sue
Greetings Fellow Rotarians!
First off, a shout out to Pam Wasson, who is working on converting our newsletter to a newer version, as our current version is no longer supported. You’ll see the e-blast morph over the next several weeks.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend with a peek of springtime on Saturday-maybe you took a walk around the amphitheater-it is an amazing piece of art/architecture!
President-Elect Chane, who just wrapped up her President-Elect multi-zoon training, shared upcoming District Rotary trainings. The list is below and a great opportunity for newer members and those interested in leadership positions to register and learn more about all things Rotary-you can also register for the International Conference!
Apr. 10, 2021, Rotary Spring Training Event, Virtual – Position/Role Specific
Apr. 17, 2021, Rotary Spring Training Event, Virtual – General Topics
Apr. 30 – May 1, 2021, D5100 Conference, VIRTUAL- SEE BELOW
June 12-16, 2021, Rotary International Convention, VIRTUAL
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97502870288
Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
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Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ahlFBdhlg
See you Wednesday. Yours in service. Sue