March 3: Hunger in Our Community
The last 12 months have been hard on almost everyone: COVID-19, wildfires, ice-storm – what has been the impact on those facing hunger
in our community? Tune in to find out.

This week we will hear from fellow Rotarian, Rick Gaupo, who leads the Marion Polk Food Share in it hunger eradication efforts.
Program Chairs: Justin Tyler and Sue Bloom
Message from President Sue
Greeting fellow Rotarians!
I hope you were able to take advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend.
March kicks of our Hunger Awareness Month. In addition to our program this week, with a presentation from Rick Gaupo, we’ll have in the subsequent weeks an opportunity to learn more with quick updates from Rotarians involved with Meals on Wheels, Salem Harvest and Boys & Girls Club.
We will be inducting Mark Shipman this week, Chane is his sponsor. Also make a point to reach out to our newest member Tom Hoffert, who joined us last week.
And if you haven’t had an opportunity to swing by the amphitheater-make time! The basket weave structure being erected right now is spectacular!
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Have a wonderful week.