March 24: Rotary Youth Exchange Program in Covid-19!

Rotary has had one of the most successful and effective Youth Exchange programs in the world for many years. Our local District 5100 has had a strong program and so has our local club. Dan Boldt, the chair of District 5100 Youth Exchange committee will share about the history of our districts very successful Youth Exchange program and how the program has been affected by the Coronavirus. He will also share updates on what the future of the program will look like. We will also hear from our local club members involved in the program including Steven Goto who is on the District Committee and Christine Whiteside, our local club committee chair.
Program Chair: Linda Bednarz
Message from President Sue
Greetings Fellow Rotarians,
I hope you’re enjoying the spring weather!
Past President Tom Golden will be facilitating this week’s meeting-be ready for some knock knock jokes!
Please take a look at our upcoming District Rotary trainings. The list is below and a great opportunity for newer members and those interested in leadership positions to register and learn more about all things Rotary-you can also register for the International Conference!
Apr. 10, 2021, Rotary Spring Training Event, Virtual – Position/Role Specific
Apr. 17, 2021, Rotary Spring Training Event,
Virtual – General Topics
Apr. 30-May 1, 2021, D5100 Conference,
June 12-16, 2021, Rotary International Convention, VIRTUAL
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Yours in service. Sue