March 31: Community Health Education Center (Salem Health)
Today’s program highlights the Community Health Education Center (CHEC), a full service health education facility located on the Salem Health campus.
The CHEC is entering its 12th year of providing community members a wide range of resources to help them manage their health conditions and maintain a healthy lifestyle through in-person, virtual and community outreach classes and programs. CHEC services are available to anyone in the community, regardless of whether they are currently a patient at Salem Hospital.
Nancy Baldwin CES, LCCE, LTTS will share more about this amazing community resource and how you can access fun, free and low-cost services, classes, and more.
Program Chair: Cyndi Leinassar
Message from President Sue
Hello fellow Rotarians!
Many of you have asked about in-person meetings. We are hopeful with the coming of spring and access to vaccinations for most populations that we will find a safe way to gather. Know your board is discussing safe and Club-affordable options to gather, with virtual options, hopefully before the end of this Rotary year!
Some newsy bits for you:
April is Rotary Maternal & Child Wellness Month. To support, please consider our fellow Club’s diaper drive, details below:
Rotary District Training – Great opportunity for all of us to learn more about our opportunities to engage with Rotary. Click here for the district training link:
See you Wednesday, take care and be well!
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Yours in service. Sue