Weekly Newsletter | March 4, 2024

March 5th – The State of the City Address, Mayor Julie Hoy

Our very own President Cathy Grimes will be officiating this meeting. Let’s all come out to support her and hear what our Mayor has planned for the next two years.

Doors open at 11:30 with the meeting starting at noon. Registration closed on February 28th to attend the meeting in person. If you weren’t able to register and want to see the meeting, you can watch live on CC: Media Comcast Cable Channel 21 or on the City of Salem YouTube channel.

Program Chair – Cathy Grimes

-Program Chair: Karl Raschkes

Meeting Location: Salem Convention Center, 200 Commercial Street SE

President’s Message

Rotary International President-elect Calls for Unity in Service

At the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, in February, Rotary International President-elect Mário César Martins de Camargo urged members to “Unite for Good” by embracing growth, service, and connection.

For more than a century, Rotary has been a force for good in the world, demonstrating the power of unity through impactful initiatives. One of its most historic efforts has been the fight to eradicate polio—a mission undertaken in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF. This monumental collaboration has helped protect millions of children from the devastating disease.

De Camargo emphasized the importance of Rotary’s work in promoting peace and bridging divides, stating:

“Rotary stands as a beacon of unity and hope. Our projects bring together people of all races, religions, genders, ideologies, and economic backgrounds, uniting us in a shared purpose: to do good in the world.”

Locally, our club exemplifies this mission by partnering with other clubs in the district to leverage matching funds for critical humanitarian projects—such as building wells that provide clean water in developing countries.

Closer to home, Salem’s new Mayor, Julie Hoy, will echo this spirit of unity in her address on March 5. She will highlight how our community thrives when individuals come together, get involved, and work toward the common good.

When we unite for good—whether globally or locally—there is no limit to what we can achieve.

President Cathy Grimes
Rotary Club of Salem