May 13: Helping the Homeless during COVID-19
Jimmy Jones is the Executive Director of the Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency. Jimmy is a subject matter expert in chronic homelessness, and in particular he played a major role in the state-wide introduction of evidence based practices and tools, and the development of a Coordinated Entry System for 28 of the 36 Oregon counties.
Jimmy is an advocate for the homeless and anti-poverty work across the state of Oregon. He will present an update on the homeless situation in Salem in these days of COVID-19 and what his program, ARCHES and other agencies are doing to help those most vulnerable members of our community stay safe. Don’t miss this informative and important program and come with your questions!

Program Chair: Linda Bednarz
Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
Well it goes without saying but we will very likely end this Rotary Year in a virtual format unless Marion County can open and we successfully navigate Phase I to allow for groups up to 100 to convene in Phase II. Only time will tell. I hope you are staying well and enjoying the virtual meetings. Last week, I referred to the many Rotary Clubs meeting virtually around the world. Click here if you have interest in this list.
Now you can stay home and visit Rotary Clubs from the comfort of your sofa or kitchen table. Something good always comes from challenges if we choose to look at the bright side. I encourage you to reach out to other Clubs to see how the virtual format is being incorporated. Who knows, maybe you can pick up a suggestion for our Club meetings?
Take care of yourselves my friends. Go for walks. Reach out to friends and family through phone, text, facetime, etc. Please do not hesitate to contact me or another member of our Rotary Club if you are feeling isolated or if you have need of someone to run an errand for you. I am at your service. It would be my honor.
I look forward to seeing you at this week’s Virtual Meeting. Here is the link:
Tammy Dennee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rotary Club of Salem Weekly Meeting
Time: May 13, 2020 11:45 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Password: 016052
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Big (virtual) hugs my friends,