May 6: Victims in a Covid Era
April 29: Experiences Piloting Marine One and Visiting Camp David
Past District Governor Norb Murray is a member of the Rotary Club of Tualatin. Norb is the retired owner of NOAH Enterprises, an event management company. He served 25 years in the Marine Corp including a 5-year tour with HMS-1, the Presidential Helicopter Squadron flying Marine One for Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter. He and his wife Leah, also a Rotarian, have traveled to Uganda, Poland, and Cambodia on Rotary projects. He has served as the District Vocational Chair, and currently serves as our District’s Polio Eradication Chair.
Norb will share some of his experiences flying the Presidents, and some history, features, and stories from Camp David, where several Presidents have retreated and entertained and negotiated with world leaders.
Program Chair: Renee Campbell
Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
It now appears we will finish this Rotary Year virtually.If you haven’t yet joined us, I hope you will. The meeting will be recorded and shared with you so you can enjoy the program and record your make up if you are unable to join. It is so wonderful to see your faces in the virtual meeting room. Please join if you can and please reach out if you have any questions about how to connect.
Mark your calendar to participate virtually in the Rotary International Convention, June 20-26. More information will be shared soon and I will pass it along.
The Rotary Board will convene next Tuesday afternoon. If you have a potential action item for the Board to consider, please route it to the appropriate Board Liaison.
Stay well my friends. Please reach out to each other and stay as connected as your technology allows. Connection to friends, family and community are vital to your wellbeing.
This week’s meeting invitation: Tammy Dennee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rotary Club of Salem Weekly Meeting
Time: May 6, 2020 11:45 AM PDT (US and Canada)
Click here to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 6148 9788
Password: 965586
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Meeting ID: 876 6148 9788
Password: 965586
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City of Salem Invites your Feedback – As you may recall, Eunice Kim visited our Club earlier this year. She has created a survey Our Salem project focusing on different scenarios for future growth and welcomes your responses:
There are four scenarios – or options – for how Salem could grow in the future. Each scenario represents different ideas that we have heard from the community. We are not asking people to choose one of the scenarios as the vision for the future. Instead, we are asking, “What do you like and dislike about each one?”
Eunice Kim, AICP, LEED GA
Long Range Planning Manager
City of Salem | Community Development Department
555 Liberty St SE, Suite 305, Salem, OR 97301 | 503-540-2308
Big (virtual) hugs my friends,