November 18: The Rotary Foundation…Working Together
It’s November and time to celebrate the good works of The Rotary Foundation! We will hear about stories of hope and triumph when Rotarians work together to change the world. Our club sets a goal each year, and we will hear what our goal for this Rotary year is, and what we need to do to get there.
Program Chair: Dawn Bostwick
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
Below is an amazing opportunity of an Amphitheater match challenge shared by our own PDG Renee Campbell. Thank you for your consideration in helping put us over the top to reach our $4,000,000 goal-we are almost there!
Last week’s program was an exciting update on the GF|SRA. If you have been down to Riverfront Park, the reality of what we are doing is breathtaking.
The amphitheater fundraising campaign is just $290,000 short of our $4 million goal. That is truly amazing, considering we are an all-volunteer organization.
We have been given a wonderful opportunity to nudge us over the finish line. The Epping family’s donor advised fund through The Salem Foundation has awarded us a $100,000 match-challenge. That means every dollar we raise, up to $100,000, will be matched one-for-one.
Gary Epping and his family have already contributed $250,000 to the project and it’s hard to express the depth of our appreciation for their extreme generosity to Rotary and our community for this additional award challenge.
If you are one of the many Rotarians who have already extended your support with a contribution to the project – large or small – we appreciate your generosity. And if, as Ken Van Osdol sometimes says, “you still have a little more ink left in your pen,” this is a great opportunity to leverage an additional donation.
If you are a new club member who hasn’t yet taken the opportunity to offer your support through a financial contribution, now is the time to help out.
And, finally, if you happen to be one of the few “seasoned” members who has not yet contributed, we are asking you now to consider the power of this match-challenge. We would love to push this across the finish line knowing we had 100 percent of our club members, pulling together at whatever level you are able.
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Yours in service. Sue