November 25: Thanksgiving Fellowship
Join your fellow Rotarians this week in a time of fellowship, conversation, and sharing as we look forward to the holiday season.
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
As we all prepare for a unique Thanksgiving and roll into the holiday season, it’s safe to say 2020 has not been the easiest year. Because of the myriad of challenges we have individually and collectively faced, it is even more important than ever to look to find the things we are grateful for.
As a fellow Rotarian, I am grateful for all of you during these challenging times. With the leadership of Barry & Ken we are just inches away from completing our Amphitheater campaign, which will be an incredible gift to our community and economy. As a Club that gets things done, we’ve completed volunteer projects in our community, funded international service projects and supported families devastated by the wildfire up the canyon in a variety of ways. We’re now experts in zoom meetings and continue to gather weekly to learn, grow and have fellowship-speaking of fellowship-this week’s meeting is a focused opportunity to spend time together in fellowship-and we know these meetings are always fun and full of surprises!
And remember, when you enter early (lots of folks on call by 11:45/11:50), prior to meeting starting at noon, Jessica will be popping each of us into a breakout room-think of it as your virtual lunch table!
I appreciate you all very much and look forward to seeing you all Wednesday!
Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
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Yours in service. Sue