November 4: Visit with District Governor Josephine Crenshaw
When Jo is not running her McDonald’s stores, she enjoys spending time with her husband, John, her two sons, and five grandchildren. She served her club as President in 2000-2001, chaired their successful Texas Hold’em fundraiser for several years, and now serves on the International Service committee. 

She enjoys travel and is working on her bucket list which includes visiting all the continents of the world. As part of that list, she participated in a Rotary Friendship Exchange to South Africa.
The District Governor’s visit focuses on the official Rotary theme, goals and initiatives, addresses important Rotary issues and provides assistance and encouragement to clubs.
Program Chair: Renee Campbell
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians.
We’re honored and delighted to have DG Jo Crenshaw join us this week! Her role within our district is very important. Below is a glimpse of what her role is (maybe someday You will want to apply to be a future DG!).
District governors provide leadership, motivation, and guidance to Rotary clubs under the general supervision of the RI Board of Directors. Governors act as officers of RI, fostering achievement in their district at the club level.
Under the District Leadership Plan, district governors prepare for and execute their duties over a three-year period.
- Districts nominate governors 24-36 months before the governors take office. Governors-nominee are elected at the RI Convention and serve as governors-elect for 12 months prior to taking office.
During the 12-24 months prior to taking office governors-nominees :
- Analyze the district’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Review the district’s organization and club administrative framework (club leadership plan.)
- Attend district meetings and participate in district committees.
- Select a site for the district conference.
During the 12 months prior to taking office, governors-elect:
- Set annual district goals.
- Conduct district meetings, including the district team training seminar, presidents-elect training seminar, and district assembly.
- Plan the district conference.
During their term of service, governors:
- Strengthen existing Rotary clubs, organize new clubs, and promote membership growth.
- Issue a monthly letter to each club president and secretary in the district.
- Support The Rotary Foundation and serve as a district and RI spokesperson, when appropriate.
- Hold a district conference and other district meetings.
- Ensure that district nominations and elections are conducted in accordance with the RI Constitution and Bylaws and established policies of RI.
Thanks again to everyone that helped finished the Deepwood project recently. They truly appreciated all that was accomplished, saying we did about 6 months of work for them in 2 evenings!
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Yours in service. Sue