October 21: COVID-19 and its Impact on Human Resources
Jill Pelavin, HR Business Partner with Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) located in Portland, Oregon will share how COVID-19 is impacting benefits for businesses. Jill has worked at DTNA since 2004 as Management Development Specialist, Marketing Support Manager, Employee Relations Manager and most recently Benefits Operations Manager.
Jill holds a BA in American Studies from Tufts University and a MA in Business Administration from University of Arizona. She is married to Aaron Ickes and the mother of two children, Hannah and Noah.
Program Chair: Jessica Ickes
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians.
PDG Renee received a request through her Rotary network she asked I pass on. This is difficult ask with our current social distancing, but wanted to share in case we had folks interested.
They are asking for assistance in connecting with Salem area Rotarians to seek short term housing for a fine young Brazilian woman attending Corban University through mid-December (she is currently commuting from Corvallis). If you’d like to learn more, please reach out to Renee to connect to the appropriate Rotarian.
I look forward to see those that are able to join us at Deepwood Gardens Wednesday at 5pm to finish up spreading gravel.
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Yours in service. Sue