September 6th: Andrea Salinas
Congresswoman Andrea Salinas joins us to provide an update on what is happening in Washington, D.C., and share what she has been working on for Oregon’s Sixth Congressional District.
Her comments will include her work on the committees she serves as well as community project funding for the district.
Congresswoman Salinas was elected in 2022 General Election to Oregon’s newest Congressional District, CD 6.
Program Chair: Bruce Anderson
Meeting Location: Willamette Heritage Center – Dye House

President’s Message
Summer Reading (Part 2) – Peacemaking!
One of the things I absolutely love about Rotary is its local and worldwide emphasis on peacemaking. Honestly, there really can’t be enough peacemaking in this world so torn by violence, war, and poverty. My simplistic view of life is that humans can either bring out the worst in each other or the best in each other. Since children all around us have a front-row seat to the effects of our choices, I vote for doing what we can to bring out the best in each other. Meaningful engagement in Rotary helps us to do that.
A treasured book I revisited this summer is “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.”(2nd ed.) If you’ve never read it, I strongly recommend it! Readable, informative and enjoyable, it provides simple and effective tools for successfully navigating the myriad of complex interactions we find ourselves in on a daily basis – at home, at work, or even in Rotary. Enjoy! And yes – don’t be shocked if you hear an upcoming Trivia question on a topic found in the book!
I’m so excited that this week we will welcome first-term Congresswoman Andrea Salinas. Running for Congress and setting up a first-time office for a first-ever district are no small accomplishments, and I’m looking forward to hearing about her experiences. As Rotarians, we have a unique opportunity to illuminate common ground and support work that is for the benefit of all concerned. Thank you for your involvement and dedication.
Yours in Rotary service,
President Alison Kelley
Rotary Club of Salem