1987-1988, Kim Arbuckle

Theme: Rotarians: United in Service – Dedicated to Peace

The year 1987-88 was the year of Polio Plus, Rotary’s undertaking to eliminate polio from the face of the earth. Therefore, a special fund raiser for a special project ¬Salem Rotary raffled a new Mercedes Benz. In addition to contributing $12,000 to help build the A.G. Gilbert Children’s Museum, $1,750 to Northwest Medical Teams, $4,500 to the Salem Rotary Education Foundation and $6,000 to the Rotary Foundation (six new Paul Harris Fellows), Salem Rotarians were able to make a significant dent in the goal of $65,000 to Polio Plus.

Although the fund raising efforts of the club exceeded previous years, fellowship activities thrived. Members enjoyed baseball night, a sweetheart dinner-dance and a dinner meeting which included Dr. Dale Turner as the speaker. The club enjoyed two firsts during 1987-88: 1) women were welcomed to membership, and 2) President Kim Arbuckle became the first Third Generation president of the Salem Rotary club.