Program – National Perspective
Program Chair: Karen Lewis
For those of you that made our meeting at the pavilion last week, I hope you had a good time. The weather was absolutely perfect, nothing beats picnic food, and Bill Woodward’s program on Shelterbox and Rotary’s involvement was awesome. His stories were truly inspiring and a clear demonstration of the impact we make globally through supporting Rotary International.
Through president-elect Tammy Dennee’s leadership, our program committee is focused on providing a slate of diversified, educational, inspirational and down right fun programs. This week is no different as we have the privilege of a nationally known authority, Dr. Tim Duy, who can bring the big picture of national economic policies into focus at a closer to home level. This is a can’t miss program!
Rotary has a theme for each month of the year and August is New Membership & Engagement Month. In that spirit, I ask that each of you make a point of extending a greeting and offer of support to our newest club members. It is not hard, just take a look around your table Wednesday and if there is someone you don’t know [not hard in a club our size], introduce your self and ask how the Rotary experience is going. It’s the path to new friendships and an opportunity to make an impact…..that builds engagement.
Hope to see you tomorrow,