If you or your organization would like to be considered for this program, please send the following information regarding your project (by September 14th, 2018) to Adam Kohler at Adam.Kohler@CenturyLink.com including:
- The name of your organization and all appropriate contact information
- The date of the proposed project (a window of time would be most beneficial)
- The nature of the prosed project (brevity is appreciated – we will follow up for details)
- The anticipated number of volunteers needed (a “best guess” is ok)
- Any other relevant information
After receiving your information, a Rotarian will follow up with your organization to gather the necessary details about the project. Each application will be evaluated in terms of how it fits within the abilities/focus/schedule/etc. of the Club and its members. After each project is reviewed, all applicants will receive follow up communication regarding the acceptance or declination of said project and the tentative schedule for completion if the project is chosen.