August 21 – Salem Convention Center
Program: Speed Dating with Committees – Interactive & Informative
President, Tammy Dennee, and President Elect, Sue Bloom, will lead Wednesday’s Speed Dating with eight Committees.
Every Club Member is asked to join a minimum of two committees when inducted. Speed Dating gives you the opportunity to learn about committees, ask questions and better understand their areas of focus. Don’t be shy! Come to Wednesday’s meeting ready to engage and have some fun.
Eight Committees will have tables for your engagement and information: Membership, Good Works, Community Needs, Fellowship, Attendance, Public Image, Youth Exchange, and Club Operations.
These Committees are looking for new members. This is your opportunity to find your place to invest your time and talent.
Bring your
questions and be ready to have some fun! See you Wednesday!
Join your fellow Rotarians in informative and lively “speed dating”
sessions at which club members will have the chance to learn about various
committee opportunities.

Message from President Tammy
Greetings Friends,
Greetings Friends,
Last week’s column focused on the world of Fellowships in existence through Rotary International. Well, I am happy to report our Club is in the process of creating a Canoeing/Kayaking Fellowship. Thank you Julie Hilty, Fara Etzel and Lisa Campbell for enthusiastically working to create this Fellowship. Perhaps other club members have interest in joining this Fellowship or starting another. Don’t be shy. Jump right in!
In other news, your Board of Directors is hard at work in their role of Governance. This past week we spent time discussing and adopting Value Statements for our club. These Value Statements focus on Community, Culture and Investments. The intent is for the Value Statements to assist us in guiding the work of the committees. The adopted Value Statements are:
Integral & Vital Members of Our Community
As Rotarians we impact lives through outreach & support via the myriad of vocations represented in our membership with integrity & the Rotary 4-Way test as our guideline.
Positive & Inclusive Internal Culture
The Rotary Club of Salem is inclusive of all Rotarians who represent diversity of all ages, genders, races, ethnicity and religions. We strive to maintain an atmosphere that is welcoming, inclusive, fun, and positive with programs of interest to our diverse membership and activities for all ages and financial capacity.
Investing in Our Club, Community & Internationally
The Rotary Club of Salem values all levels of financial support from members through our major fundraiser(s) and through the Rotary International Foundation and Salem Rotary Foundation. This support allows us to achieve goals in making positive impact locally and internationally today and into the future.
This work was begun last year and we are continuing to build upon the efforts started under Rus McCracken’s leadership. Special thanks to the Board of Directors for embracing your leadership roles.
Finally, a quick note to let you know our dear friend Paul Farrell was released from OHSU recently and is recovering from a heart valve replacement. His wife, Leona, has provided their new address in case you’d like to send him well wishes: 2950 Boone Ridge Rd, Apt. 214, Salem 97306.
Have a wonderful week. Hope to see your smiling faces soon!
In Rotary Service,