August 14 – Salem Convention Center
Program: Salem Rotary Multi-Sport Riverfest Presentation
The third annual Rotary Multi-Sport Riverfest is set for September 15. Event Co-Chairs Robert Chandler of the Rotary Club of South Salem and our own John Shirley will discuss what’s involved in producing a major, complex event that involves hundreds of athletes, multiple activities and some 200 volunteers.
Program Chair: John McCulley

Message from President Tammy
Greetings Friends,
Last week’s message focused a bit on Rotary International. This week, I thought it might be fun to raise awareness in our Club about Rotary International Fellowships. There is a Fellowship for just about everything and every activity. Until my experience attending the RI Convention in Hamburg, Germany, I had no idea about RI Fellowships. Several Fellowships were showcased in the Exhibit Hall. While strolling through the Exhibit Hall, I noticed a Fellowship for those who enjoy nice wine. If you know me, you know there was not a pause in my decision making. I joined on the spot. There was a Fellowship for those who enjoy traveling in Recreational Vehicles, one for Whiskey Aficionados and International Travelers along with so many others. The variety was both impressive and inviting.
In my review of the RI website, I came across a one-page flyer which describes Fellowships as consisting of members who share a common interest in recreational activities, sports, hobbies, or professions. These groups help expand skills, foster vocational development and enhance the Rotary experience by exploring interests while developing connections around the world. They function independently of RI and are open to Rotarians, their family members as well as participants and alumni of all Rotary and Foundation programs.
Sound like fun? What do you think? It will be fun to see what Fellowships might be joined by our members and activated here in the Salem area.
Our Club provides many opportunities to gather and serve. The Fellowships may very well complement the existing activities, but it will be up to you, the members, to begin the conversations. Let’s see what happens during this our Centennial Year.
In humble Rotary Service,