Greetings Fellow Rotarians,
Kelly may be in the sunny desert, but at least he has his ROTARY socks!! You are rocking it, Kelly!
Singing on Wednesday
We are SINGING on Wednesday so, for all you newer members, we have traditionally sung a song right BEFORE the invocation and it’s just a fun time as a club. Trust me, you do not need to sing well at all. Just stand by Warren, Mary James, or Vanessa and they will cover for you. Words to the songs will be printed out and on your tables.
Singing Opportunity at District Conference
This year’s District 5100 District Conference will again include a Memorial Remembrance service on Sunday morning (May 22), remembering and giving thanks to those Rotarians of our District who have died during this Rotary Year.
The service will include a choral anthem, performed by a “Pick-Up Rotary Choir.” If you, or any of your club members, are interested in being a part of the choir, please contact Duane Sich, RC of Greater Clark County,,
or 360-936-3461 for information.
A rehearsal time will be arranged during a break period at the District Conference on Saturday.