July 8: Meet the new Rotary International President Join us and enjoy a virtual visit from Rotary International President Holger Knaack. He is from the Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg- Mölln, Germany. He is outgoing, engaging and fun, and will share Rotary’s 2020-2021 theme, plus our five-year plan to Grow Rotary. Here is our chance to enjoy […]
Weekly Newsletter | June 30, 2020
July 1: Learning Activity Participate in a fun learning activity with the entire group. Program Chair – Mary James Message from President Sue Greetings Rotary Friends, I want to thank you all again for the opportunity to serve as our Club’s president this year. I am honored and humbled. I wanted to […]
Weekly Newsletter | June 23, 2020
June 24: Rotary Club of Salem Officer Installation Please join us as we officially welcome our new slate of 2020-2021 officers as well as share our appreciation for those leaving office. Program Chair – Cuck Swank Message from President Tammy Greetings Rotary Friends, As I write this final President’s Column, I continue […]
Weekly Newsletter | June 16, 2020
June 17: COVID Update from Salem Health Bryce Petersen, Director of Community Outreach at Salem Hospital, will provide an overview of what has taken place at the hospital for the past 45 days and how it is prepping going forward. The presentation will also highlight several of the hospital’s community outreach activities. Program Chair – Sue […]
Weekly Newsletter | June 9, 2020
June 10: Every Woman Treaty Erin Thomas was part of the inaugural graduating class of Rotary Peace Fellows, receiving her MA in Peace and Conflict Resolution from the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is the Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Every Woman Treaty dedicated to creating the opportunity for a life free from […]
Weekly Newsletter | June 2, 2020
June 3: Travelling Independently in Cuba Past President Ron Kelemen, a retired financial advisor and former owner of the H Group, Inc. in Salem, not to mention a 36-year member of our Club is our speaker. Ron will describe his December trip to Cuba with his wife, Kathy. Despite the new travel restrictions at the time, they […]
Weekly Newsletter | May 26, 2020
May 27: Marion County Election Process Following right after the May Primary, Bill Burgess Marion County Clerk, will give a program about how the election process works in Marion County, including updates regarding COVID 19 and the May primary. He will also include information about how his office is anticipating the November general election, how […]
Weekly Newsletter | May 19, 2020
May 20: Agriculture in the Mid -Valley Molly McCargar represents the fourth generation working the family farm north of Keizer. With her younger brother Ernie Pearmine, they raise a variety of crops – sweet cherries, cauliflower, sweet corn, squash, hops and grass seed. Molly will bring to club members an inside look into what it’s like these […]