Dr. Duvall Scholarship
Like many high school students, Earnest Duvall had big dreams when he graduated from high school in 1949. And as is common, neither he nor his family had the money to send him to college. But through the help of Silverton High School’s principal, Earnest received a scholarship from the Rotary Club of Salem to attend Willamette University. Without that assistance a college education would have remained a dream. Earnest went on to become Dr. Duvall, a successful radiologist who never forgot the Rotary Club of Salem’s helping hand.
In 2004 Dr. Duvall contacted the Salem Rotary Foundation about his desire “repay” the investment the Rotary Club of Salem made in him. He eventually gifted $50,000 to the Foundation. It was Dr. Duvall’s fervent desire that these funds be used for scholarships to help economically disadvantaged students who would not generally qualify for academic scholarships. The Salem Rotary Foundation has followed this directive with the creation of the Dr. Duvall Scholarship, a $2,000 award given annually to a deserving student at Chemeketa Community College.
Weekly Newsletter | September 1, 2015

Earnest Duvall had big dreams when he graduated from high school in 1949. But there was no financial possibility he could attend college. Through the help of Silverton High School’s principal, Earnest received a scholarship from the Rotary Club of Salem to attend Willamette University. Without that assistance, a college education would have remained a dream. Earnest went on to become Dr. Duvall, a successful radiologist who never forgot our Rotary Club’s helping hand.
In 2004 Dr. Duvall contacted the Salem Rotary Foundation (SRF) about his desire to a gift of $50,000 to the Foundation. It was Dr. Duvall’s fervent desire that these funds be used for scholarships to help economically disadvantaged students who would not generally qualify for academic scholarships. The Salem Rotary Foundation has followed this directive with the creation of the Duvall Scholarship, a $2,000 award given annually to a deserving student at Chemeketa Community College.
Since receiving Dr. Duvall’s generous gift, the SRF has helped eight worthy students fulfill their educational dreams. We have invited the most recent Duvall Scholarship winner to join our Club meeting on September 23. His name is Sergio Lagunas Garcia. His thank-you letter to our Club is attached. As you read about his inspirational story, we hope you will continue to take pride in the good works of Salem Rotary Foundation, the Charitable Heart of Salem Rotary.
At this week’s meeting, we’ll hear from a panel of local teen workforce development experts about Oregon’s efforts in developing teen workforce programs.
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