May 1 – Salem Convention Center
Program: A Refugee’s Story
During the civil war in the early 1990’s, Ernesto Toskovic left his home in Yugoslavia and went to Vienna. He was also able to get his mother and sister out within a year, but it took four more years to help his father escape. His story of determination to accomplish this, ultimately coming to the United States to continue his studies, and build a successful career is one you will not forget. He will also share some of the aftermath of that conflict and the affects on the people living in the resulting new countries.
Program Chair: Renee Campbell

Message from President Rus
Hello Salem Rotarians,
I was driving home from another spectacular Pentacle Theater production last Thursday night and couldn’t help but notice the Peter Courtney Bridge as I crossed the river into downtown Salem. Lit magnificently against the dark background of the park, this iconic structure is an example of the beauty of Riverfront Park, the home of our pavilion gift to the city, the playground we built with fellow Rotary clubs in Salem, and the future home of our legacy centennial gift, the Gerry Frank|Salem Rotary Amphitheater. As I exited onto Front Street, the image in my mind formed of this structure’s basket weave design lit from underneath in the night as it will appear to so many people that make that drive.
The next morning, I was sitting in a construction meeting for the amphitheater with our architects, project manager, Dalke Construction, and our Rotarian team of Barry Nelson, Ken VanOsdol and Don Lulay. This team was gathered to review the options available with the intent of retaining the essence of original design, practicality of a complex construction approach, and management of our precious funding. I can assure you everyone in that room was dedicated to making our project a success with the impact all Rotarians aspire. To repeat our theme this year, they were the Inspiration.
This project has been long, hard, complex, and trying but it comes with significant reward. Construction planning is just one of many activities so effectively managed by our task force team led by Barry and Ken. Their motivation, dedication, and countless hours volunteered, should be an inspiration to us all and reminder of what we, as Rotarians, can do to make significant change in the world and our own community. I encourage you to take a moment to thank this remarkable team for the hard work they have done, and continue to do, to make our legacy project the success it will be. And it goes without saying, but I will, if there is some skill you might have that you feel can add to the success of this project, please contact the team and volunteer. It is what we as Rotarians to.
See you tomorrow,