August 19: Feeding Hungry Families – Reducing Food Waste
Salem Harvest’s mission is to feed hungry families by harvesting food that would go to waste. Volunteers are organized and opportunities are set up to harvest in backyards and farms
in Marion and Polk counties. Healthy but unused produce is harvested and donated to the local food-sharing network to feed themselves and other hungry people. This model assures fuller use of food that has been grown locally and provides nutritious food to improve the health and food security of recipients.

Elise Bauman, Executive Director of Salem Harvest, will share insights into effectively and efficiently using the bounty of the Willamette Valley to address food insecurity and how the mission has evolved in recent months to address current challenges. With the impact on the local Salem economy, Salem Harvest’s mission has never been more relevant.
Program Chair: Marcus Wulf
Message from President Sue
Hello fellow Rotarians,
Here’s a story every Rotarian knows. In 1932, Herbert John Taylor crafted a simple measuring stick of ethics for employees of his struggling cookware company, a short code its 250 workers could easily memorize. The guidelines’ embrace helped rescue the business by marking it as a company with integrity.
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
In the 1940s, when Taylor was an international director of Rotary, he offered the Four Way Test to the organization, and it was adopted by Rotary for its internal and promotional use. Never changed, the twenty four word test remains today a central part of the permanent Rotary structure throughout the world, and is held as the standard by which all behavior should be measured. The test has been promoted around the world and is used in myriad forms to encourage personal and business ethical practices. Taylor gave Rotary International the right to use the test in the 1940s and the copyright in 1954. He retained the rights to use the test for himself, his Club Aluminum Company and the Christian Workers Foundation.
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Yours in service. Sue