August 23rd: Marilyn Schuster’s Rotary Trip To Ghana

Marilyn Schuster, a founder of Yakote Women Farmers Project, has been traveling to Ghana since 2009. She and her husband were joined by a core group of dedicated volunteers who return to this area of Ghana every year during January to complete a number of different projects. The Nabdam district is in the far upper east of the country where the annual family income is around $300. Many of these projects were supported through Rotary District grants.
Marilyn will share the results of a number of these projects. Going yearly to this very rural and high poverty area has definitely brought Hope to the people in keeping with this year’s Rotary theme.
Program Chair: Pat Force
Meeting Location: Willamette Heritage Center – Dye House

President’s Message
Greetings, Fellow Rotarians!
I hope this note finds you well, my friends. I am so grateful for each one of you. In your own way you go out of your way to make the world a better place. Life can be fragile and unpredictable and as Rotarians, we help where and when we can.
Last week during our meeting we raised $1,520 right there on the spot to send to the Rotary District 5000 Foundation Maui Relief fund. Our Salem Rotary Foundation is contributing $1,000, for a total of $2,520. As was noted in their recent letter, “Through our Rotary District 5000 Foundation, a relief fund has been established. Foundation President Dave Hamil and Treasurer Sharon Amano will handle all donations. The Rotary District 5000 Foundation is a 501c3 organization and all donations are considered charitable. A committee will be organized shortly to find the greatest needs for distribution of monies. Monies will be used to make the largest impact based on needs and will be sustainable. A single fund will be the most helpful over time to provide the greatest significant benefits.” Thank you, Members, for your selfless generosity.
I’m really looking forward to our meeting this week, presented by Club Member Marilyn Shuster. Ghana is a remarkable country, diverse in every way imaginable. Thank you in advance, Marilyn!
Also last week, many of us joined the family of Paul Farrell for his Celebration of Life. We learned that there are many Rotarians among his extended family and I was proud to have so many of us there to reflect on his great life and support his family. Paul was incredibly friendly, welcoming and interested in all those around him. I know we will carry forward his inspiring approach in our work together as Rotarians.
Take good care! See you Wednesday!
Yours in Rotary Service,
President Alison Kelley
Rotary Club of Salem