August 28 – Salem Convention Center
Program: The Evolution of Recycling
We encounter environmentally-related attributes regularly in everyday life, as evidenced by product labels that promote the recycled content, recyclability, compostability, or bio-based composition of a product and public policies that focus on increasing recovery/recycling rates (e.g. circularity) or banning materials that do not include these attributes (e.g. zero waste). Attributes are an attractive basis for environmental policies because they are easy to communicate and measure, so much so that they have become the de facto indicator of the environmental goodness of a product or material.
But how well do these attributes actually correlate with reductions in life cycle environmental impacts? For example, is it always better for the environment to make something compostable? Or, is a recyclable material inherently less impactful to the environment than one that is not? And further, under what conditions are attributes helpful for informing environmental strategies and under what conditions do they result in harmful or unintended outcomes?
Speaker: Peter
Canepa, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Program Chair: Reed Carlson

Message from President Tammy
Greetings Friends,
As we say farewell to Summer and welcome the next season, we know kiddos are headed back to school and families are preparing for the beginning of the new school year.
Our Club goes through seasons also. With the new school year, we will welcome student speakers back to the microphone who share with us their hopes and aspirations. It is truly inspiring to meet these young men and women. I trust you will take a moment to shake their hands and make them feel warmly welcomed.
This past Wednesday, we had an opportunity to engage our very own Committee Leaders to better understand where we can engage and serve our Club. It was so enjoyable to hear your conversations and watch the interaction. Thank you for your enthusiasm and continued willingness to serve. Active engagement from our members lessens the load on a few so the load is shared. This shared experience strengthens our club and grows future leaders. If you have questions about how you can join a committee, please don’t hesitate to ask a seasoned member. Every one of us wants you to have the best Rotary experience possible.
This week we will label dictionaries to be shared with the Fourth Graders throughout our communities. It is always a great time visiting with the Rotarians from the other Salem Clubs. This may be the final year for this activity as the school district has indicated teachers are not incorporating printed dictionaries in their curriculum. The Presidents of the local Rotary Clubs, together with the School District leaders, are in discussion about how best to continue a Rotary presence in the elementary classrooms going forward. Stay tuned.
Thank you to Cindy Peck for opening her home for the recent Fireside. It was an amazing evening of friendship and fellowship as we learned more about our newest Rotary members.
Our Rotary Club is a direct reflection of the amazing members who give so selflessly everyday in so many ways! Thank you!
In Rotary Service,
Tammy Dennee
Rotary Club of Salem
100 Years of Service to Our Community & the World