September 4 – Salem Convention Center
Program: Congressman Schrader Discusses the 116th Congress
The tumultuous times in our nation’s capital seem ongoing and a source of constant discussion. Our congressman Kurt Schrader will offer his perspective on the 116th Congress during his presentation to our club. Congressman Schrader’s visit is always informative and this year should be no exception.
Program Chair: John McCulley

Message from President Tammy
Greetings Friends,
We enjoyed the “Membership Minutes” each week in August and now our focus for September turns to our very own Salem Rotary Foundation (SRF). You won’t want to miss hearing about how the dollars you invested through Bell Ringers positively affected people, projects and programs throughout our community.
One of my favorite aspects of our Club is the engagement and friendships that have formed because of Rotary. Last week was a week full of special fellowship activities. Thanks to Claudia Vorse, Fellowship Board Liaison, and her Committee for setting up a tour of Freres Lumber with dinner following. A great time was had by all who participated.
If you were in attendance last week, you learned of our Club’s need for members to assist in closing a financial gap between the grant written for the dictionary project of $2,400 and the total cost to our club of $6,000. Many of us stepped forward and purchased boxes of dictionaries. As of this writing, we are still in need of selling another 19 cases to cover the deficit. If you are willing to purchase a box, the cost is just $50. You can contact our Treasurer, Chuck Swank, via email, phone or in person at this week’s meeting to complete the transaction. Thank you in advance.
If you have been unable to attend recently, I hope we will see you soon. You are more than a number in our membership count, you are a valued member of this Club. Come join the fun!
In humble Rotary Service,