Weekly Newsletter | August 8, 2023

August 9th: Salem’s Riverfront Carousel – 22 Years of Fun!
Our speaker will be Marie Bradford. Executive Director, Salem’s Riverfront Carousel. In June, the Carousel celebrated its 22nd birthday. The carousel opened in 2021 and Marie assumed the role of Executive Director in 2023.
The Carousel was a dream of Salem citizens led by Hazel Patton in the mid 1990’s which included volunteer carvers, painters and authors who designed, created, and placed many beautiful animals on the carousel for thousands of children (and some adults) to enjoy as they ride in circles on our Riverfront Park.
Marie will share the history of the Carousel, its current operation, and plans for the future. She will also offer a guided tour of the facility following our meeting.
Program Chair: Ozzie Rose
Meeting Location: Rotary Pavilion at Riverfront Park
President’s Message
Greetings, Fellow Rotarians!
One of my favorite meetings of the year is when we get to meet down at Riverfront Park! I’m so excited for our meeting this week which will be in our very own Rotary Pavilion. It is a remarkable structure and a visual celebration of what can happen when Rotarians engage in creative and meaningful projects to help build community.
I’m grateful that we will host Marie Bradford, Executive Director of Salem’s Riverfront Carousel. The history, the artisanship, the beauty, and the vision of our very own Carousel are so inspiring. Marie is a wonderful leader and I know you will join me in making her feel welcome.
See you Wednesday!
Yours in Rotary Service,
President Alison Kelley
Rotary Club of Salem