December 19– Salem Convention Center
Program – Club Gold Star Report
Every December, our club takes an opportunity to look back at the previous Rotary year to celebrate all that our club has accomplished. Join us to learn more from the 2017-2018 Gold Star Report, shared by our club secretary, Holly Berry.
Program Chair: Bruce Anderson

Message from President Rus
Hi all,
I hope you had the opportunity to join us last week for our wonderful music program starring the Battle Creek Elementary School Choir. One hundred fourth and fifth graders! The combination of their enthusiasm, the dedication of the Salem-Keizer music staff and support by the SK District leadership was truly inspiring. Add to that – I noticed the bus drivers on one side of the room enjoying some desert while visiting with Paul Farrell and the other side of the room overfull with very proud parents. It was a special day for me and a true time of friendship. Thank you, Karl Raschkes, for organizing these fabulous music programs.
This week is also about Rotary and how we leverage our friendships into impact. Up until a couple of years ago, the Rotary Auxiliary [now disbanded] hosted a holiday luncheon for the inbound exchange students in our area. Our club has adopted that program and will hear from several of them regarding their experiences this year. In addition, the world’s greatest Rotary Club secretary [you know who] will update us with the annual Gold Star Report on all the wonderful things this club has done over the past year. Music will be in the holiday tradition and provided by the Salvation Army Band, and yes, a kettle will be there for those so inclined.
This will be our last meeting until January 9, so I hope to see you tomorrow,
See you tomorrow,