December 12– Salem Convention Center
Program – Music Program
The Battle Creek Elementary School Choir will be performing a holiday concert for the Rotary program this week. The choir, consisting of 100 students, is the largest elementary school choir, and one of the best, in the state. Their teacher and choir director is Gloria Burtis – a highly-experienced master general music teacher. The music program in Salem-Keizer’s strength is based on the excellent beginning foundation students receive by starting music at the elementary level. Elementary General Music instruction starts at the kindergarten level and continues through 5th grade. Formal beginning choir, string and band instruction are elective classes. Choir and string instruction start in the 4th grade and band in the 5th grade. Every music discipline is taught by a music specialist in their area of music instruction. You will enjoy this concert. Don’t miss it!
Program Chair: Karl Raschkes

Message from President Rus
Happy Holidays Fellow Rotarians,
We are definitely into the season now. Two days of our annual ringing of the Salvation Army Kettle, and wrapping up [pun intended] our Tree of Joy and State Hospital giving program. That does not include the many acts of kindness you are doing outside our club’s activities. What more can I say…Service Above Self and making an impact.
This week we are going to take a moment and sit back to enjoy what is so special about our community. Each Rotary year, Karl Raschkes coordinates several programs featuring the Salem-Keizer School District’s incredible music program. Tomorrow’s meeting will feature one of those, the 100-strong Battle Creek Elementary School Choir. Yes, I said 100 strong. This is the largest elementary school choir and one of the best in the state.
As Rotarians, we have a passion of promoting and supporting youth opportunity and education. Our theme this year is Be the Inspiration and it is said that inspiration creates motivation. There is no doubt in my mind that the Battle Creek Elementary School Choir will turn it around inspiring us, while raising our motivation, to make an even greater impact on the youth in our community.
See you tomorrow,