December 23: Holiday Fellowship
Every December our club takes an opportunity to look back at the previous Rotary year to celebrate all that our club has accomplished.
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
Our meeting this week will start with our Annual Meeting, with Past President Tammy presenting the slate of officers a final time and calling for the vote to elect the nominees proposed at our previous two readings.
From there, we’ll enjoy some fellowship time-who knows what our clever and creative committee has planned for us this time!
Thank you all that participated in the kettle fundraising drive last week. As of Monday morning, Chuck reports our Club has raised $2,150 for the Salvation Army’s important work!
An update from Salem Health via Cyndi Leinassar:
- On Dec. 17, Salem Hospital received its first allocation (975 doses) of COVID-19 vaccines. Since the ceremonial first vaccines were administered that afternoon, Salem Health care teams have moved full steam ahead vaccinating our Tier 1 employees. This first tier includes workers closest to COVID patients.
- West Valley Hospital, in Dallas, is set to receive 800 Moderna vaccines this week. This first shipment is dedicated to front line works and those closest to come in contact with someone who might have COVID.
- As of 12/17, Salem Health had 65 COVID patients in the hospital.
- Cancelations of elective surgeries are determined by Salem Health’s capacity and census for overnight stays. Salem Heath has not have to cancel any elective surgeries since last spring.
As a reminder, we will NOT be meeting on December 30th.
Wishing you all a safe and joyful holiday!
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Yours in service. Sue
![President Sue Bloome](