Weekly Newsletter | January 5, 2020

January 6: Vaccination Plan for Marion County
The Marion County COIVD-19 vaccination plan is modeled after the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdictions and involves many state, regional, and local healthcare and community partners.  Katrina Rothenberger MPH, Marion County’s Health and Human Services Public Health Division Director, will provide an overview of Marion County’s living plan as we undertake the response to the three tiered vaccination effort.   
Program Chair: Cyndi Leinassar
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
I hope everyone had a lovely, if albeit different, holiday!
Three things for you:
  1. We are flipping the order of our meeting tomorrow. Our speaker will need to leave at 12:28, so we will move to the program following Ann’s invocation, leaving Club business to the last 30 minutes of our meeting.
  2. We’ll be inducting our first new member this Rotary year! Jason Greenwood, owner of Divine Distillers. Thank you Deb Patterson, Jason’s sponsor, for introducing Jason to the Club!
  3. The Statesman Journal ran an article about the progress of our Amphitheater today, in regard to both our fundraising progress as well as construction. Take a look if you haven’t seen it yet. Thank you to Barry, Ken, our task force, as well as everyone who has contributed to this effort.
See you tomorrow, enjoy your day! 

Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
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Yours in service. Sue
President Sue Bloome

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