Weekly Newsletter | January 12, 2020

January 13: Santiam Canyon Fire Response 
The program committee has decided to provide a series of programs related to the Santiam wildfires that devastated the area last fall. 
The first of these programs will feature Kyle McMann, Marion County Fire Chief. He will present about how Marion County Fire responded to the fires, the experiences of the fire fighters, and any current updates.
Program Chair: Warren Bednarz
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
I hope this note finds you well! I have two things to share with you today.
Cyndi Leinassar shared the latest on vaccine distribution, please see below:
Since opening Thursday, January 7, Salem Health’s COVID vaccine distribution center at the state fairgrounds has delivered vaccine to nurses, firefighters, EMS and many others in OHA’s vaccine phase 1 who have been serving our community.  In four days, Salem Health vaccinated more than 8,000 individuals.
This successful effort has been possible because of collaboration from many partners. Gov. Brown and OHA provided additional vaccines, as did Kaiser Permanente, Providence Health and Scappoose Fire District. Marion County Public Health provided logistical and facility support and hundreds of Salem Health’s staff stepped in to support daily operations. For up to date information about the vaccination center, click here.        
This week’s meeting kicks off a series of the Santiam Canyon fire and its rebuilding. Kathy Bussman from the Camas Rotary Club will be giving a quick update on Rotary efforts in the Canyon at the top of our meeting. Our Club provided some financial support in helping displaced family’s set up temporary housing. Kathy will share more.
Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
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Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
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Yours in service. Sue
President Sue Bloome

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