February 15: Update on Epping Homestead Boys & Girls Club
Because of you, and other generous community members, the Boys & Girls Club opened its doors in October to serve more youth in our community.
Join us tomorrow at the Epping Homestead Boys & Girls Club to hear from our very own Sue Bloom on the good work that is happening for our local youth in the NE area.
Program Chair: Robbin Kenner
Meeting Location:

Boys & Girls Club – Epping Homestead Branch
President’s Message
This week we will be meeting at the Epping Homestead Boys and Girls. 3805 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, OR 97305. Right across the street from Chemeketa Community College. Robbin Kerner will chair the meeting and our very own past president Sue Bloom will be the presenter.
WOW!!!!!!!!! For all of you who made it to the GoodWorks Auction, a big THANK YOU for making this year’s event incredible. What a great event for such a great cause!!! Chuck has not finished crunching the numbers yet but hopefully, I’ll be able to share them shortly. If you see Cyndi Leinassar and her auction committee team thank them for an incredible job.
Of course, we could not have been successful without the support of our very generous sponsors. If you know or see an individual affiliated with these businesses, please thank them personally. We could not have done it without them:
$5,000 Level
- The H Group
- Salem Health
- Maps Credit Union
$1,500 Level
- AmeriTitle
- Highway Trailer Sales
- Huggins/Bliss Sequoia Insurance
- Lulay Group
- Singer Lewak
- CBTwo Architects
- Pioneer Trust
$750 Level
- Valley Credit Union
- Virgil T Golden Funeral Services
- Capital Financial Planners
- Peoples Bank
- Collier Law
- Bank of the Pacific
- Anderson Shirley Architects
- Grove Muller Swank
In-kind Sponsors:
- Vitis Ridge Winery – Wine Sponsor
- John McCulley and Beer Boys – Beer Sponsor
- Salem Health – Greater Giving/Website Support
- Maps Credit Union – Marketing Support
- Select Impressions – Marketing Support