February 3: Marion Polk Continuum of Care HUD Designation
HUD provides financial resources to Continuum’s of Care (CoC) throughout the US. Each CoC brings local partners together to work collectively to address homelessness in their area. Carla Munns is a consultant for the Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliance (MWVHA), the region’s Continuum of Care. Its overarching mission is to establish communitywide commitment to coordinate, leverage, and align efforts and resources to prevent and end homelessness through execution of 3 main goals:
- Quickly rehouse homeless individuals, including unaccompanied youth and families, while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused to homeless individuals, families, and communities by homelessness;
- Promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream housing and homeless services programs by homeless individuals; and
- Optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Come learn more about our regions CoC and how our area is working together to help the unhoused population and Marion and Polk Counties.
Program Chair: Cyndi Leinassar
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
I hope this weekly note finds you well, and enjoying the signs of spring starting to appear.
Below is the latest from Salem Health regarding vaccinations, courtesy of Cyndi Leinassar:
As of 1/29/21, Salem Health and West Valley have provided 35,816 first dose vaccinations and 7,616 second dose vaccinations, totaling 43,432 doses given.
Vaccine supplies continue to be very volatile. For this reason, it is essential that community members regularly visit the Salem Health website.
See you Wednesday.
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Yours in service. Sue