February 6 – Salem Convention Center
Program: The Dynamic Volcanoes of the PNW
PSU Professor Emeritus Scott Burns will bring us the latest on the dynamic volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii. He’ll answer the question, “Should Salem worry?” And he’ll tell us why Yellowstone is hot right now. Professor Burns is President of the International Association of Engineering Geologists, an international trip leader for The Smithsonian among others, and Past President of the Rotary Club of Portland.
Program Chair: Larry Gray

Message from President Rus
Wow, what a program last week. I took away a couple of important messages from OSU Baseball Coach Pat Casey. The first was true inspiration. Our international theme this year is “Be the Inspiration.” To me, Coach Casey is a true champion of inspiration as demonstrated by his accomplishments as one of the premier college baseball coaches in history, how he inspired the young men who played for him and his inspiration to us, be it his values, coaching techniques, or outlook on life.
The second takeaway for me was his emphasis, not on the activity, but on the goal. In his professional life, it was not about playing baseball, it was about getting better each day, week, or month at playing baseball. That was the path to achieving the team goals. As that was sinking in, I thought about the GoodWorks announcement by Chane Griggs and Jenn Columbus and their five [well you know] reasons to attend our main annual event this Saturday.
Yes, it will be Fun, we can dress Fancy, and have an opportunity for Fellowship. Those are the activities, or, think the basics of baseball. The real goal boils down the last two. The Funds are vitally important as they give us the ability to make an impact locally and around the world. The purpose of the GoodWorks event is to build that chest of funds giving us that opportunity to achieve our goals. The last “F” was and I’ll quote, “Frankly my dear Rotarians, it’s an expectation of club members to come together to support the good work we do in our community as a club.” In my own words, Frankly, we have an obligation as Rotarians to financially support our club in any way we can to achieve our collective goals. It is part of being a Rotarian.
So, I hope you will be able to join us Saturday. There still is time to buy your tickets through this link: Purchase GoodWorks Auction Tickets. Just can’t make it? Well there still is an opportunity to help our team achieve our goals by a tax deductible donation to our giving engine through this link: GoodWorks Donation.
We are Rotarians, and remain Rotarians, through the friendships we build and the impact we make to our community and beyond. Please join us Saturday and share as much as you can.
See you tomorrow,