Weekly Newsletter | January 11, 2021

January 12: Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliance
Several years ago we had a series of programs that informed us about the nature of homelessness and the challenges people who are unhoused face. This year we are planning another series about homelessness, but this time we will focus on what is being done in the region currently as there are many new and exciting initiatives.
This week we will hear from Jan Calvin who is working with the Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliance which is the Continuum of Care for the Marion-Polk Region. They are taking a regional approach to a national problem. Cities, tribes, and counties are working with non-profit organizations; faith-based groups are partnering with businesses; health care is collaborating with housing authorities, and literally, hundreds of volunteers are offering their time and talents. Come learn about the Alliance, its partners, and the progress being made to end and prevent homelessness in our region.
Program Chair: Linda Bednarz
Meeting Location: Willamette Heritage Center’s Spinning Room
Meeting ID: 823 1560 6303
Passcode: 996906
Message from President Chane
Greetings Fellow Rotarians:
Things are picking up speed in preparation for our Good Works event on February 12th. Cyndi and her team have put so many hours into all the details that are part of the evening’s festivities. I, for one, am very excited about the new venue (Grand Ballroom and Theater). How excited am I? I’ve already purchased my two tickets!
Tom Golden will be talking about the Golden Ticket opportunity this week too – complete with golden-colored, ginormous tickets!
See you tomorrow,