January 16 – Salem Convention Center
Program: Preparing for Oregon’s Water Future
Oregon is known for its clean and relatively abundant water. However, development, climate change, population dynamics and lack of investment place stress on our rivers and streams, create significant water scarcity in the summer and fall seasons, and increase the potential for water infrastructure failures and public health impacts. Oregon’s local economies and communities are increasingly vulnerable to drought, floods and fires. These realities place Oregon’s quality of life, natural resources and economic future at risk. Significant challenges lie ahead to prepare for a secure, safe and resilient water future for all Oregonians. The presentation will introduce the roles and responsibilities of the Oregon Water Resources Department, the current state of water resources and the challenges to meet future water needs.
Program Chair: Warren Bednarz

Message from President Rus
Rotary has three main tenets: The Object of Rotary, the Four-Way Test and The Rotarian Code of Conduct. Of the three, the one that impacts me most is the Four-Way Test. It is short, concise and carries so much meaning. It is not just called the Four-Way Test, the official title includes the words, “of the things we think, say or do”. Those words to me are where the rubber meets the road and makes me so proud to be a Rotarian in the Rotary Club of Salem. As I sit in various committee or leadership meetings, participate in various sanctioned activities, or just listen to fellow Rotarians around me, it is abundantly and absolutely clear those four questions are part and parcel to everything we do:
Of the things we think, say or do
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3. Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
We are just a little over three weeks away from our annual main fundraiser, the GoodWorks Auction. I hope you had an opportunity to read the message I sent last Thursday regarding this great event. Our financial support through this evening’s festivities is part of who we are and what we do. We have many fellow club members working tirelessly to make this event as successful as possible and part of their efforts require attendance planning. First, I encourage you to attend….it is really a lot of fun. Second, if you have not purchased tickets, it is important that you do so early for planning purposes. Here’s a link to make that happen (click here). Every dollar raised counts toward achievement of the many goals our club has to change people’s lives. Some of you may not be able to attend, but we still need your support. Here’s a link to donate online (GoodWorks Donation) or you can send your tax deductible donation payable to the Salem Rotary Foundation to PO Box 3981, Salem OR, 97302.
Finally, January 23rd, we are hosting Mayor Chuck Bennett’s annual State of the City Address. There will be a much larger group in attendance and for your convenience, we are pre-selling lunches at our meeting tomorrow. Take advantage of this opportunity and you can avoid the long lines next Wednesday.
See you tomorrow,