January 20: It’s Just Brain Surgery!
Mauricio Collada Jr is a Father, a husband, a neurosurgeon, and a winery owner in Salem, Oregon who has been part of this Salem community since 1983. He was born in Havana, Cuba, and arrived from Cuba as a child with his parents in 1962. Dr. Collada considers that decision by his Father of leaving all and moving the entire family from his homeland to the USA as one of the most fortuitous events in his life and is ever grateful to his parents for their sacrifice.
This presentation is an overview of his journey from Cuba, his formative years in Florida, the challenges, and the blessings that presented themselves as he went thru his training. Dr. Collada will also share with the audience the fabulous serendipities that led to the starting of his neurosurgical practice in Salem, Oregon, and all the factors in his life that led to the establishment of his winery, Cubanisimo Vineyards.
Program Chair: Cyndi Leinassar
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
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Yours in service. Sue